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German Language and Culture Resources
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German Studies
- American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS)
- Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
- Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- German Historical Institute (GHI)
- German Studies Association (GSA)
- German Studies Web
- - Internet Resources for Germanists
- Goethe-Institut
- Institut für deutsche Sprache
- Internationaler Deutschlehrerverband
- Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- Society for Germanic Linguistics (SGL)
- Women in German (WiG)
Newspapers and News Magazines
- The European A new online magazine from Berlin.
- FOCUS A weekly news magazine; Der Spiegel's main competitor.
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Widely regarded as Germany's best newspaper. Some articles are available in English translation.
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung A leading Swiss newspaper from Zürich.
- Der Spiegel The leading German news magazine.
- Der Standard A leading Austrian newspaper.
- Süddeutsche Zeitung A high-quality, leading newspaper published in Munich.
- Die Zeit A highly regarded, weekly newspaper.
- Yahoo! Zeitungen Yahoo! links to many German-language newspapers.
Popular Magazines and Tabloids
- Bild Germany's most popular tabloid newspaper. Bild is easy for beginners to read, but can be quite sensationalist.
- Bunte A popular culture magazine with lots of information on celebrities, similar to People magazine in the U.S.
- Freundin A popular magazine geared towards young women.
- Living at Home If Martha Stewart knew German, she would read this.
- Sport1 A popular sports magazine.
- Yahoo! Zeitschriften An enormous list of on-line magazines organized by topic.
Radio and Television
- ARD Homepage of Germany's main public broadcasting network, which offers both television and radio programming. Streaming video available, especially of newscasts.
- Deutsche Welle Streaming audio and video from Deutsche Welle's radio and television service.
- Deutschsprachige Internet Radios A list of German language radio stations available over the internet.
- ZDF Germany's second public television network. Streaming video available.
Architecture and Art
- News from the German art scene. Links to museums, galleries, art groups, and more.
- Bauhaus-Archiv Museum Berlin museum devoted to the history of the Bauhaus movement.
- Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur An extensive database of artists, artworks, and buildings.
- Deutschlands Architektur A website with many nice photos of German architecture organized by city.
- Kunst und Kultur An art and culture website with information and links to thousands of museums and artists.
- American Chamber of Commerce in Germany Organization of American companies doing business in Germany.
- Handelsblatt Handelsblatt is an important business newspaper.
- Wirtschaftsblatt An Austrian business newspaper.
- Die Bundesbank The German central bank.
- Wirtschaftswoche Wirtschaftswoche is a major business magazine.
- Die Europäische Zentralbank German language website of the European Central Bank.
- Chefkoch A popular food site.
- Deutscher Brauer-Bund Information on the German beer industry.
- Deutsches Institut für Reines Bier An organisation dedicated to the preservation of the beer purity law (Reinheitsgebot) which has been in effect since April 23rd 1516. The site has information on the history of the law and efforts to preserve it.
- Deutsches Suppeninstitut Yes, there is an institute for soup!
- Haribo Haribo makes a huge range of candies including Gummibärchen!
- Hofbräuhaus One of Germany's oldest and most famous breweries.
- Milka Milka is a popular brand of chocolate.
- Mineralwasser Information about German mineral water.
- Dr. Oetker Germany's answer to Betty Crocker.
- Haus der Geschichte Website of an excellent museum in Bonn devoted to the history of Germany since WWII.
- Deutsches Historisches Museum Museum devoted to German history. Be sure to check out LeMO, an on-line museum created by several of Germany's major history museums.
- German History Documents Links to online collections of primary documents, sponsored by Brigham Young University.
- Chronik der Mauer A Berlin Wall page in German from the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
- German Rock A website with extensive information on German language rock musik.
- MTV Deutschland Homepage of German MTV.
- CountryHome Information for German speaking country musik fans.
- Lots of information on classical music.
- Jazz Netz Information on the jazz scene in Germany.
- Bundeskanzleramt Österreich Main website of the Austrian government.
- Österreichisches Parlament Website of the Austrian parliament.
European Union
- EU Webportal of the European Union.
- Der Bundesrat Website of the upper house of the German parliament. The governments of the Bundesländer (the federal states) are represented in the Bundesrat.
- Die Bundesregierung Main website of the German government. Has links to many ministries.
- Der Bundestag Website of the lower house of the German parliament.
- Bündnis 90/die Grünen Website of Bündnis 90/die Grünen, the German Greens. Their politics are generally on the left and focus on environmentalism and human rights issues.
- CDU Website of the Christlich Demokratische Union. The CDU is one of Germany's two large political parties. The CDU is a center-right party.
- CSU Website of the Christlich Soziale Union. The CSU is a sister party of the CDU and exists only in the federal state of Bavaria. The CDU and CSU work together at the national level.
- FDP Website of the Freie Demokratische Partei. The FDP is one of the smaller parties, sometimes called die Liberalen. In the German context, liberal is roughly the equivalent of libertarian in the US. The FDP favors a small government, low taxes, and minimal government regulation of business and personal affairs.
- PDS Website of the Partei des demokratischen Sozialismus. The PDS is one of the smaller parties and was formed after reunification by members of the former East German communist party. The PDS has been succesful in local and regional elections, but it has not done well at the national level.
- SPD Website of the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands. The SPD is one of Germany's two large parties. The SPD is a center-left party.
- Swiss Government Main website of the Swiss federal government.
- Deutsche Buddhistische Union A national organization for German Buddhists
- Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland Website of the Evangelische Kirche, Germany's largest protestant church
- Katholische Kirche in Deutschland Main website of the German Catholic church
- Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland Germany's Central Council for Jews
- Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland Germany's Central Council for Muslims
- Astronomie A website devoted to astronomy.
- Deutsches Museum A large science and technology museum located in Munich.
- GEO A science and geography website.
- Max-Planck-Gesellschaft The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft is a major research organisation which supports thousands of scientists and dozens of specialized research instutes.
- Morgenwelt An online science magazine.
- Wissenschaft Online Website with content from a variety of science magazines.
- Deutscher Sportbund German national athletic organisation and Olympic Committee.
- Sportbild A German sports news site.
- Deutscher Fussball-Bund German soccer federation.
- Bundesliga Website of German professional soccer.
- Basketball-Bundesliga Professional basketball in Germany.
- Formel 1 Offical website of Formula 1 car racing.
- Yahoo! Sport Yahoo! directory of German sports sites.
- Radsport A site for biking news.
- Tennis Center A German tennis website.
- German National Tourist Office Lots of information and links related to travel in Germany.
- Austrian National Tourist Office Lots of information about travel in Austria.
- Swiss National Tourist Office Information about travel in Switzerland.
- Information on German youth hostels.
- Find information on almost any city in Germany.
- Get street maps for any region or city in Germany.
- Abenteuer und Reisen A popular travel magazine.
- DB German national railway.
- SBB Swiss national railway.
- ÖBB Austrian national railway.
- Let's Go! Travel organization targeting young travellers.
- Rick Steves European travel guide, emphasizes unique out-of-the-way spots.
- German Embassy The German Embassy in Washington D.C.
- Studying in Germany An information website for students who wish to study in Germany